Danny Phantom Days
As threatened, here’s an old Danny Phantom board I found. There may be more in the garage, but this is what I’ve got for now: the first episode, “Mystery Meat.”

I vividly remember boarding this pilot because I’d been over at Cartoon Network doing Samurai Jack, and this project brought me back to Nickelodeon where I met my wife, who was a writer on The Fairly OddParents. (She asked for one of my drawings, I gave her the one below, and then we went on a date.)

My board process for this was very much like what I did on Samurai Jack—I drew small which kept me from getting too detailed while on a deadline.

*(PAPER, PENCIL AND SCOTCH TAPE.) This is 2002, baby!
I would usually blow up my board on the Xerox (hey-o!), and then pitch to Butch Hartman, the crew, and the network all at once. Based on the feedback, we’d tweak it before going to final. We didn’t do animatics on Phantom; instead we’d transcribe the dialogue to the exposure sheets and our timing directors would time out the animation. This is how it was done back in the day at Hanna-Barbera, which is where Butch started out. The breakout character Sam Manson was voiced by the brilliant Grey DeLisle.
And here we have the “Mystery Meat” thumbnail boards from 2002. Yikes! Enjoy!
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